Course Objectives for “Messages on the Journey”
This 6 part workshop covers the depths of meaning and messages long locked to the western mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine through the deep interpretation of the meridian point names themselves.
Learn first the Fire Points: Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, and Triple Warmer, From the message of the Fire points find passion and energy for movement!
The Earth Points: Stomach and Spleen allow us to break down information and rebuild the immune functions.
The message of the Metal Points: Lung and Large Intestine brings the ability to receive divine inspiration and direction while eliminating toxic influence.
The Water Points: Kidney and Bladder. Tapping into generational wisdom and destiny as well as eliminating excess moisture.
The final element Wood Points: Liver and Gallbladder allowing you to decisively activate judgement and clear toxic resistance to growth.
LEGAL NOTICE | Chena Anderson is not a medical doctor or licensed therapist. This program solely provides educational examples, mentor insights, and spiritual inspiration from Chena Anderson’s personal healing journey that you may use for motivating your own sovereign, pro-active choices to heal and grow. By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge, understand, and agree that this course work does not provide psychological counseling, relationship counseling, financial advice, business consulting, or any other type of counseling or therapy sessions. Please discuss your physical and mental wellness with a mental health practitioner before making changes to your diet, adjusting/discontinuing any medication, or making any significant lifestyle change. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice from this program.