Course Objectives for “Spirit Alignment”
This course takes a deeper and more dynamic look at the spine and its many messages through the experience of pain.
Pain becomes a mediator between the body and mind, expressing the ongoing feelings of stress and conflict that the mind has no outward communication to share and yet is experiencing as unbridled stress.
First, this course walks you through the spiritual/emotional messages communicated by the body via each of the 33 vertebrae of the human spine.
This powerful techniques allows you the gift of both listening to the body and hearing its message. Learning a unique method to “read” the spines encrypted message and interpret the significance of the imbalance in life.
Using strategic applications to restorer balance and harmony and pain free movement and flow to the spinal movement and consequently to the whole body.
LEGAL NOTICE | Chena Anderson is not a medical doctor or licensed therapist. This program solely provides educational examples, mentor insights, and spiritual inspiration from Chena Anderson’s personal healing journey that you may use for motivating your own sovereign, pro-active choices to heal and grow. By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge, understand, and agree that this course work does not provide psychological counseling, relationship counseling, financial advice, business consulting, or any other type of counseling or therapy sessions. Please discuss your physical and mental wellness with a mental health practitioner before making changes to your diet, adjusting/discontinuing any medication, or making any significant lifestyle change. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice from this program.