Course Objectives: “The 9 Palaces of the Heart”
This course teaches the connection to the heart and dis-ease which in origin begins in the very heart’s desire. Within the 9 key areas of the heart lay the origin to physical attacks of heart over a lifetime…as a result of missing your heart’s desire. Both a scientific fact and metaphoric understanding of why heart dis-ease is the #1 killer worldwide. (Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year.) In this course we focus on identifying your heart’s desires while teaching a unique method to discover unfulfilled desires and begin to manifest these untapped desires instead of life-threatening heart ailments. Learn to break the pattern and release the healing power of joy for a lifetime.
In 2020 cardiac deaths were nearing ONE million a year in the US alone, now following COVD that number is increasing rapidly. While that is a physiological result of not tapping into your life’s purpose and heart’s desires which give ultimate fulfillment and bring joy to the heart and therefore health and vitality to the body.
LEGAL NOTICE | Chena Anderson is not a medical doctor or licensed therapist. This program solely provides educational examples, mentor insights, and spiritual inspiration from Chena Anderson’s personal healing journey that you may use for motivating your own sovereign, pro-active choices to heal and grow. By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge, understand, and agree that this course work does not provide psychological counseling, relationship counseling, financial advice, business consulting, or any other type of counseling or therapy sessions. Please discuss your physical and mental wellness with a mental health practitioner before making changes to your diet, adjusting/discontinuing any medication, or making any significant lifestyle change. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice from this program.